Monday, July 25, 2011

What is the Exit Interview For? | Blog

While customer satisfaction surveys are certainly an important part of the research process, you can often learn just as much about how to take the company by the exit interview. It is not always the customers that you maintain that provide you with valuable information. Often it is the customers that leave that can help you formulate ways to improve retention. That is why companies often do exit interviews with customers that are no longer planning on shopping with the company.

Benefits of Exit Interviews

Clearly the main reason that exit interviews are so successful is that they allow you to learn about why people are leaving, why they are choosing to spend money with the competition, etc. The more you learn about the customers that are leaving your business, the more you can stop those losses and try to re-shape your company to connect with people before they have lost their loyalty.

It?s nearly impossible to change someone?s opinion overnight ? especially when you have already lost them as a customer ? but you can at least help your company look better in the eyes of the person leaving. The exit interview shows the customer you care. You can also offer something to the customer that may help them come back someday, or at least say something that helps them speak positively about you to others.

Customers may decide to leave for a very specific reason. If you end up changing something that affects that request, you can follow back with them in the future and explain how you?ve changed your business practice in order to regain their trust and loyalty. While there is no perfect guarantee that you can win back their business (and indeed, marketing that strongly to a customer that left your company may do more harm than good), at the very least you can make some effort, and have the information on hand to know what efforts may work.

Using an Exit Interview

Exit interviews give you a chance to market the company further (possibly stopping the customer from leaving) and allow you to follow back in the future if your company has made changes. But perhaps their strongest benefit is the data you receive to avoid further losses from other customers. The more information and characteristics you know about customers that are leaving, the better an opportunity you have to stop it from occurring in the future.


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