Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Google Wants You to Solve Problems For Money (Mashable)

Google quietly launched, a social contest website, during Fourth of July weekend. The website is operated by Slide, a social gaming company that Google acquired last year. allows users to create "contests" where they post questions or tasks. The user can then award a cash prize to the best answer received.

[More from Mashable: HOW TO: Import Your Facebook Contacts on Google+]

Users may ask for trip-planning assistance, advice on naming a startup, best product for infants, etc. Each post contains a time allotment for forum feedback, during which time visitors vote on the best advice submitted. The user who gains the most votes wins the cash, often a $10 to $50 prize.

At the moment, requires a Facebook or Twitter sign-in to participate. However, curious users can view the contest lineup here, where many posts nonetheless require logins.

[More from Mashable: Google Loses Access to Twitter Stream, Suspends Realtime Search]

The website features little Google branding; however, the privacy link on the homepage reveals a standard Google privacy agreement. Slide has been quietly releasing other products without Google branding, including group-texting app Disco.


This story originally published on Mashable here.


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