Monday, July 11, 2011

Interview Your Network Marketing Guru: 7 Questions You Should Ask ...

Interview Your Network Marketing Guru: 7 Questions You Should Ask Before You Take Their Advice (PART 1)

There are a million people out there with advice about how to grow your business ? self-proclaimed ?network marketing gurus.? So how do you know if they are what they say they are, and if their advice will really work?

These are questions you shouldn?t take lightly. After all, it?s really true that time is money. If you follow the advice of someone who doesn?t really know what they?re doing, you risk much more than just finding out what they taught you doesn?t work. You may lose money, you will certainly lose time, and you will have set the growth of your business back in more than one way.

So it is not only prudent, but essential, that you find out some information about any supposed ?network marketing guru? before you invest your time, trust and money into them and their advice.

Many people don?t feel that they have the ?right? to question experts about their credentials. You not only have the right ? but really the responsibility as the steward of your business? best interests ? to ask these questions. So don?t be afraid to ask someone a few basic questions.

Remember, this is about your business. If you were buying a new car, you?d ask questions right? If you were hiring a real estate agent, you?d ask some questions right? How about if you were shopping for a new TV and comparing manufacturers or brands?

?Shopping? for a plan to grow your business ? and a network marketing ?guru? to teach it to you ? should be no different. You?re not doing anything wrong by asking some basic questions. You?re protecting yourself, your money and your business as a whole.

Here is Part One of this two part article on questions you can and SHOULD ask any purported ?network marketing guru? before you trust and make use of their advice. In this first part, I will cover the first three questions?

Question #1 ? Can You Prove That You?ve Grown Any Type of Home Based Business?: One of the first, and most important, questions you should ask any supposed network marketing ?guru? is whether they can prove that they have done themselves what they claim on their website to have done. There are a lot of sites that promise the world. Can they back up any of the claims they?re making?

Think about this for a second. If someone else says they?re going to show you how to use the Internet better than you currently are, isn?t it only fair that they show you conversion rate numbers and other evidence that they have been able to accomplish it themselves? You want to work with someone who not only talks the talk, but who also walks the walk.

Question #2 ? Are Their ?Success Items? Really Theirs?: On someone?s website, are they showing you pictures of big homes, boats and fancy cars as proof of their financial success as a network marketing ?guru?? You want to find out if they can provide any proof that those really belong to them, or if they just ?borrowed? those pictures from Google Images.

It?s really easy to hop online and google ?Ferrari? or ?dream house? and find pictures of all the fancy things that you want. It?s a whole other thing to actually have made the money in their business to have purchased them themselves. It doesn?t take being a network marketing guru to add a few photos to a website, lean on a car and give the ?perception? that these things are actually theirs.

Question #3 ? Have They Actually Trained Anyone?: A lot of the products that many so-called network marketing ?gurus? offer look very impressive. What you want to find out, though, is whether they can prove that they have really trained anyone (either via live training, Dad?s or in any environment) on getting better results with their network marketing business?

Be?aware that written, and even video, testimonials can be fabricated and altered. Don?t be afraid to ask for a sample DVD or cad of their material. Ask them for a technique or two. See if the material is outdated or if it?s fresh and updated.

Be sure to check out Part Two of this article to find out the other four important interview questions you should ask any so-called ?network marketing guru? before you invest your time, trust, money and the fate of your business into them.

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Terry Duff is a well respected home based business training specialist and business builder himself. He has grown several different home based business using the same ?underground? techniques that he shares in his highly sought after free reports. To claim your free copy of ?How To Create Your First 6 Figure Month In Network Marketing? head on over right now to ? To date, he has helped more than 100,000 home based business owners in more than 30 countries.


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