Sunday, July 17, 2011

Maintain Desireable Body Weight as You Age | Women's Radio Podcasts

Dr. Lee Waller joins women?s holistic health talk for women radio host Irina Wardas on Wednesday, July 20th at 9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET

The live, Internet women?s talk-radio show will stream from the host page

Lee Waller is a Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Personal TWeight Management and Weight Lossrainer, Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Coach and author of Sustainable Weight Loss: The Definitive Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight.

A long time ago, it became apparent to Dr. Lee Waller that an increasing number of people were struggling with their weight.? Men and women, young and old are getting larger and as a result they are suffering many health related issues. His book Sustainable Weight Loss: the Definitive Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight targets the challenges we face today in healthy eating, and is based upon his study of more than 1,200 weight related research studies and books. The research and solutions presented in Sustainable Weight Loss address the critical dietary and exercise issues threatening our health today.

Callers are welcome to join the conversation during the show by calling (347)-857-4862

Suggested Women Radio and Podcast Interview Questions:

Why are so many people struggling with their desireable body weight today?

What are the most difficult things about losing weight?

Your book says that researchers recommend no more than a 1-2 pound weight loss per week.? What?s wrong with a 10, 15 or 20 pound weight loss per week like some of the TV shows and commercials publicize?

Why do so many diets fail?

What are some healthy weight loss tips?

How much exerise is enough?

What foods are banned in your weight loss method?

What is the role of hormones for achieving desirable body weight loss?

How do we handle fitness as we age?

How can we stick to our eating plan?

What are your top three take-always for the reader of Sustainable Weight Loss?

Looking forward to your questions (347)-857-4862

Let us breathe, smile and dance at the end of the show together.


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