Thursday, July 28, 2011

Computer Evolution: Supercomputer To iPad - Technology News Story ...

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Robert Elsenpeter, Contributing writer

Technically speaking, you could trace the origins of the computer back to some caveman named Grog stacking rocks in the corner of his cave to keep track of how many wildebeest he brought down that week.There are plenty of similar "computers" throughout history, but let's be honest -- when we talk about computers, we're not talking about the abacus or any bronze thing Leonardo Da Vinci thought up. We're talking about things that plug into the wall, and -- within a few minutes of switching them on -- make men figure out how to get pictures of naked women on them.In the past 40 years, we have been on hand for a fantastic boom in technological advances. In fact, there'll probably be five new technological breakthroughs between my writing this and when it gets published.Let's take a look at the computer and how it has evolved over the years. Up First: Bigger Meant Better >>


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