Monday, July 11, 2011

Natural treatment of colorectal cancer - Cancer Health

Natural Treatment for colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer is the second

only for lung cancer among the cancers that kill women and men. Most colon cancers occur in people over fifty. Strikes his men and women almost equally. Credited mainly to an increase has been declining over the last decade. The large intestine consists of the colon (five to six feet higher) and rectum (the last six to eight inches). This is the last stage of digestion occurs and where solid waste is held until it is released.

Colorectal cancer develops

over ten to fifteen years and produces no symptoms until it is advanced. If the disease is detected early and the tumor has not metastasized, the survival rate is quite high.

Natural colorectal cancer treatment guidelines:

Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, broccoli, melons, citrus fruits and dark green, red, yellow and vegetables are recommended for their antioxidant and sulfur compounds. Tomatoes may reduce the risk. Taken in chlorinated water has been linked to an increased incidence of colon cancer. The coffee was reported to have positive effects on reducing the risk of colon cancer.

It was once believed that high-fiber diet protects the colon, reducing the time of any harmful carcinogens that are present in the stool are in contact with the intestinal wall. There have been conflicting reports on this, but health professionals recommend still more high-fiber, low fat diet. A high fat diet has a strong link with colon cancer. Or a vegetarian diet or a diet low in red meat, alcohol and refined foods and high in vegetables, fruits, soy, fish, whole grain breads and cereals, and little or no low-fat dairy products and lots of fruit and vegetable juice provides maximum protection food.

beta-carotene, calcium (1,200 milligrams per day), selenium and vitamins C and E, and long-term use of a multivitamin containing folic acid ( above 400 micrograms per day) were associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. Probiotics (which can be found in yogurt and supplements) may inhibit colon cancer. Low levels of vitamin D and possibly excessive iron intake, were associated with an increased risk of colon cancer. Quercetin has been shown to have anticancer properties against colon cancer.

more important considerations for the natural treatment of colorectal cancer

One of our recommended treatments for colorectal cancer beyond what we discuss above. It is ?The remedy within a minute for all diseases? a powerful and effective therapy in the treatment of alternatives all kinds of illnesses, diseases, AIDS, cancer including colorectal cancer and is highly recommended by nearly 15,000 European doctors . Take time to study it, we highly recommend this therapy for the treatment of colorectal cancer natural

Just follow the link and see the video presentation of 5 minutes of your final assessment:

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