Friday, September 23, 2011

How about adding and removing gadgets in the Windows 7 desktop

How about adding and removing gadgets in the desktop Windows 7

How about adding and removing gadgets in the Windows 7 desktop

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Home ? Computers ? As for adding and removing gadgets in the Windows 7 desktop

How about adding and removing gadgets in the Windows 7 desktop

These steps will teach you how to remove it and add your gadgets running on your computer operating system Windows 7. Windows Gadgets are symbols that are usually found on the right side of the screen desktop. Some of them are calendar, clock CPU Meter, Currency, Feed Headlines, puzzle, slideshow, and weather.



gadgets on your desktop. to add gadgets, just click on your desktop. Click on the gadgets. Select the gadget you want to add. Right click and choose Add or double-click the gadget you want to add and it will be added automatically to your desktop

How do I delete

gadgets on the desktop. Move the cursor to the widgets you want to delete. You see the [x] or the Close button. Just click on the close button and your gadgets will be away from the screen of your office.

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Comments (2)

yexiangxiang , 6 days ago
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sjtubrazy , 3 months ago
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