Sunday, September 25, 2011

Heart Disease Symptoms and Risk Factors

Heart disease is the umbrella term that covers lots of heart ailments that negatively affect the performance of the heart. As all you know, heart is the most essential organs in the human body. It is a kind of muscle that continuously pump bloods, oxygen and other nutrients needed by all parts of the body. Obstructions in the pumping mechanism could lead to negative affects in the vital parts of the body such as brain and kidneys.

Symptoms of Heart Disease

Normally, heart disease isn?t something that takes the person by surprise. There are lots of signs and symptoms described when the most essential organ isn?t working right. And some are as follows:

? Chest pain or angina is one of the common symptoms of heart disease. It is characterized by heaviness and fullness in the parts of the chest. Although such pain is squeezing sensation usually happen in the chest region, it can also be in the back, jaws or neck.

? Irregular heartbeat, shortness of breathing as well as sweating is signs of existing heart problems as well.

? Heart palpitations and nausea

While the symptoms are common for several other conditions, they should not be ignored. If you have these symptoms of heart disease, you have to consult your physicians.

Risk Factors of Heart Disease

? High blood pressure ? this one of the main risk and often lead to heart attacks
? Increased level in cholesterol ? cholesterols are fat like substances in the blood that is needed for the right formation of the cell membranes and tissues. Too much cholesterol is not good in the body since it will be deposited in the arteries. And this deposited cholesterol can cause clogging in the arteries which turns in coronary heart disorders.
? Diabetes ? diabetic is much vulnerable in heart ailments compared to those who are not. Controlling sugar levels in the body is essential.
? Life risk factors ? smoking is one of the major cause of heart attack. Eating diet rich in oils and fats are other contributors of heart ailments. Sedentary life with little exercise can lead to heart diseases as well.

You really have to be aware of the risk factors and symptoms of heart disease. And for you to get rid of these symptoms, you have to take care of your health. Eat healthy diet, exercise regularly, do not smoke and change your unhealthy lifestyle.

Read more details about heart disease and inflammatory heart disease.


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