Monday, September 19, 2011

Cats As Pets Animal Clinic Arlington | Articles Twinkle

Exotic pets are becoming more popular with families that have young boys. The animal clinic Arlington can help exotic pet owners with different types of exotic pets when something goes wrong or they need regular checkups. Some exotic pets will not fair well in a different climate and need an adjustment of their surroundings or food in order to maintain good health. Others will need medications to grow stronger.

Some individuals are fascinated with snakes. They enjoy keeping large snakes in very large aquariums and watching them feed on live rodents for dinner. A large snake may take a few days to digest its lunch but if something gets stuck or goes wrong, then the snake owner needs to bring him in for a checkup with a trained professional at the pet hospital before it is too late.

Another exotic animal a lot of individual like to keep as pets are spiders. Different size spiders are fascinating to watch but mainly tarantulas are the likely exotic pet of choice. These large hairy black spiders also have a special diet, mainly of live crickets, which they will catch and eat themselves once they are placed in the aquarium with them.

One of the arguments people have about cats and children is about declawing them. People who own cats and small children often investigate the possibility of declawing a cat or kitten?s front claws so they can not scratch their children. Those opposed to this procedure say it is cruel and not only damages the nerves of the cats paws by pulling out the claws at the ?roots? it damages them psychologically. Cats have a natural drive to scratch or kneed things with their claws. They also protect themselves with their front claws and declawing would be taking this away from them says the group against declawing.

Cats suffer from far fewer diseases then dogs and most of them are treatable with medications they could be on for a lifetime. Diabetes and feline leukemia are probably the most common cat diseases. Both are treatable but there are no cures for them. Urinary tract infections, which are curable, are seen in all types and ages of cats. The owner will see an increase in urination, especially outside the litter box as a signal of a UTI.

The animal clinic Arlington can help cat owners keep them healthy and happy for a very long time. Depending on the breed, most cats will live a long life, many reaching 15 to 18 or more years of age. Cats may seem dependent and for the most part, they can be, but they do need love and affection as well as food and water to survive. Read more about: Animal Clinic Arlington

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