Thursday, September 15, 2011

Children And Teens Are Increasingly Becoming Obese | Welcome ...

Childhood obesity has been rising continuously in the US?something that has been confusing and surprising professionals from all fields. It doesn?t help that almost all solid food sold in the US contains a bunch of high fructose corn syrup. This, however, is another issue that we are not going to discuss in this article. What makes childhood obesity sad is that the kids who suffer from it seem like they haven?t been given a fair shot at life and that?s terrible. These kids already suffer from a bunch of problems ranging from back pain to arthritis to Type II diabetes and, of course, bullying. This is a hard and terrible subject and we?ll look at it some more in this article.

The medical conditions that will be experienced by any obese child or teen are highly variable. Lots of different things, including genetics, have influence here. Kids and teens who suffer from severe obesity are more likely to develop a variety of conditions that cause problems for joints and bones. Lots of times problems that are associated with the load bearing joints in particular will show up. The skeletal stress will occur in the hips, knees, ankles and feet. Kids who deal with joint pain usually have back pain too as well as swelling around all of their joints. Kids and teens are very commonly diagnosed with arthritis as well.

Obesity also causes gender specific problems, particularly for younger girls who have gotten through puberty. Menstrual cycle issues are particularly prevalent in women and girls who are obese. The issue and cause is due to the interference with normal hormones in the female body. This, in turn, causes a myriad of problems with the menstrual cycle. Obesity is often the main cause of these kinds of female problems. Obese women who suffer from particularly heightened hormonal interference can even become sterile. Then of course there?s the question of what other problems can be caused due to the interference in hormone production. Your body needs hormone production to be predictable and healthy so that your metabolism can also function healthfully and within a normal manner.

You already know about the severe social stigma that is attached to kids and teens who suffer from obesity. Going to school each day must be something along the lines of unbearable. A person who endures this kind of constant psychological warfare can become scarred for life. Each person will react in some different manner, to be sure. The ripple effects from this can be large and serious and it is important to get obese teens and kids and adults into counseling so that they can properly deal with the effects of these kinds of things.

If you are a teen or adult who suffers from obesity, it is important to talk to someone who is informed and qualified to help you with your condition. It is likely that you need some education as to the causes of your condition. Alternatively, something can be done about it, and it is never too late to begin the long journey back to good health. So if you wish to make certain childhood obesity does not show up, then make certain you follow the above led lights for centerpieces ideas for the best outcomes.


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