Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Importance Of Parental Guidance To Save Teenagers From ...

Teenage drinking has been popular today because of so many influences.Young individuals who drink alcohol tend to drive while under the influence of the substance which often leads to accidents and injuries. It is important for parents to know the activities of their teenagers in order to prevent them from being forced to take a substance just to be socially accepted.

Alcoholism in young people occurs because of the aim of their aim to alleviate emotional pain or to be accepted by their peers. Alcoholic parents may have children with drinking issues as they tend to follow what their parents do. According to some professionals in alcohol rehabs, children who come from families with an alcoholism history are more prone to developing an alcohol issue than their peers. The relationship of teenagers with their peers is also a factor in underage drinking.

Alcohol impacts the development of the body and the functioning of the brain. It can impair the cognitive and learning abilities of young people because of its harmful components. Some experts employed in alcohol rehabs say that the substance can damage motor skills and can lead to liver diseases, cancer and stroke.

Young individuals who use and abuse alcohol may have academic and legal problems and create chaos in their families. As they lose interest in going to school, their grades may drop which might made the sufferer decide to stop schooling.. Traffic tickets and road accidents are common to adolescents who consume alcohol and they can be at risk of getting involved in crimes either as offenders or victims.

Preventing alcohol abuse in teenagers can be possible by allowing these young people to be educated about the effects of alcohol on their health and life. But for those who are already suffering from teenage alcoholism, there are available alcohol rehab centers that offer treatment programs to deal with such condition. The treatment will start with removing the traces of alcohol from the patient's body through detoxification and will continue with encouraging the patient to attend counseling sessions as well as support group meetings. Most treatment programs also include providing continuous support and follow up even if the patient is already discharged from a rehab facility. All treatment programs are only effective when they include relapse prevention.

It is important for parents to be smart enough to educate their children about the risks that are associated with alcohol before they start to experiment with the substance. Their guidance will save their children from possible alcohol temptations.

John Smith is a writer on topics about and features of


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