Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How would romney treat undocumented immigrants if president ...

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Home / Politics / How would romney treat undocumented immigrants if president?

Marcus Atkinson

HispanicOhio.com editor

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Mitt Romney is certainly facing an uphill battle in defeating President Obama, not necessarily because of his relationship with Bain Capital, or the millions of dollars he has stashed away in offshore accounts, not even because he is a Mormon.? Much like John Kerry in the 2004 presidential elections, Romney faces the rhetoric of being a ?flip-flopper?, someone who appears to have one position on an issue today, and then changes his mind conceivably a week later.?

This perception has raised doubts of his commitment to key issues amongst his party supporters.? Conservatives within the GOP question his true nature while the more moderate Republicans have doubts about his courage to say and do what truly comes natural.? To the public it appears as indecision, weakness presidential candidates cannot have, retrospectively, Romney?s history of illegal immigration, his inconsistent governance has caused many within the GOP and Democratic Party to wonder if elected president, which Mitt Romney will stand up.


Pro illegal immigration stances

  1. 1.?????????????? While Mass. Gov., Mitt Romney pushed to have college tuition equal, no matter of legal status
  2. 2.?????????????? Pushed for English-only classes to help Spanish speakers learn English
  3. 3.?????????????? As Gov., Romney signed into law a requirement that immigration judges warn non-citizen defendants that pleading guilty to certain crimes could lead to their deportation.
  4. 4.?????????????? He has supported legal status to undocumented immigrants who serve in the military.

Here is a statement sent to Fox News Latino from the Romney campaign:

?Mitt Romney?s view is that immigration is what built this country and that we should encourage legal immigration, but that we are also a nation of laws and that we should say no to illegal immigration,? Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom said in an e-mailed statement. ?This very simple view is what informed Mitt Romney?s policies as governor

Anti-illegal immigration stances:

  1. 1.?????????????? Romney allowed state troopers expanded powers to arrest those in the country illegally,
  2. 2.?????????????? In the Iowa caucuses in January Romney said he would veto the DREAM Act,
  3. 3.?????????????? Romney has said he would tackle immigration during his first year in office.
  4. 4.?????????????? Said he would ?staple a green card? to the diplomas of immigrants with advanced degrees.
  5. 5.?????????????? Romney supports an immigration-status verification English-only class


Thus far, as presidential candidate, Romney has concentrated on what he calls, fixing the immigration laws, through transparency and clarity while avoiding? what to do with estimated 12 million undocumented currently In the United States.


?We do welcome immigrants, and we want a system that makes it easier for people to know what their status is, to have a transparency that doesn?t exist now in our immigration system,? Romney told NewsMax.


Romney has made it a point in reminding voters Obama has failed to make due on his 2008 campaign promise of comprehensive immigration reform and failed to even pass the DREAM Act with a majority of Democrats in the Senate.?


The GOP nominee has eluded to his immigration plan, which would be similar to former president George W. Bush?s ? a border controlled federal system complete with a robust guest worker program.? This would allow those who want to work in the United States to be employed legally, live in the United States, and send money home without fear.


However, the issue still remains, what happens when its time to renew?



Posted by Marcus Atkinson ? Filed Under Politics?

Source: http://hispanicohio.northcoastnow.com/2012/07/23/how-would-romney-treat-undocumented-immigrants-if-president/

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