Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Socialization and Homeschooling | Topics Info | Reference and ...

Socialization in schools is a complex issue, but when we think about it, we shouldn?t forget something that occurred in a public school not that long ago. The well known killings at Columbine High School put the national spotlight on issues such as the social environment at schools. Even worse, other events of a similar nature have occurred as well. Now, school security is much tighter in many schools as a result of this. Homeschooling appeals to parents who don?t want to subject their kids to the risks of modern public schools. Naturally, parents who are homeschooling their children should be aware of the importance of socializing their kids and keeping them involved socially and culturally.

While in principle public education may be a desirable way to socialize kids, the reality has turned out to fall far short of this. The well publicized violent events we?ve referred to are just the most extreme examples of a widespread problem. Considering this, as long as the parents are dedicated, it?s hard to see how home schooling isn?t a better alternative in most cases. Children who are educated at home can potentially experience a far greater diversity of life than those stuck in a classroom. Learning that?s done from reading or online can be supplemented by a greater diversity of trips and outings than schools are able to provide.

You?ve probably heard of 4-H clubs which have been around for several decades. They offer a wide selection of clubs for your child to join depending on their interests. And if they?re interested, all of your children can become involved. Also, 4-H clubs do not cost anything to join, and that can be a great way for your children to meet others. Children are better able to network than they have previously and this is due in great part to the internet. So it is more natural for the kids your children meet in 4-H clubs to introduce them to their friends.

While there is a trade-off in terms of the degree of socialization, it is worth mentioning that other considerations are made. The homeschooler can be spared from the many types of bad social encounters found at public and private schools. That alone can be significant when you consider how damaging an institutional school environment can be. This is especially true for those students who are at a social disadvantage at a public school. There is far more of an important impact based on the positive and healthy advantages.

There are many sides to the whole argument of whether homeschooling helps or hinders socialization in children.

Home schooling can provide children with some definite benefits, such as one-on-one instruction that?s not possible in most schools. At the same time, parents have to make sure that all bases are covered when it comes to meeting their kids? needs. Each parent has to be aware and ensure proper and adequate socialization experiences are given to their children. There?s no reason a home schooled child has to be at a disadvantage socially, as long as parents make this factor a priority.

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Source: http://www.topics-info.com/reference-education/socialization-and-homeschooling-5

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