Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Awnings and Home Improvement Blog ? How To Keep Your Home Insect Free

There are three ways to keep your home free of insects. These ways include killing the insects, repelling the insects or just don?t invite the insects to your home. Repelling and not inviting the insects are the easiest ways to have an insect free home.

There are some things that you can do to keep the insects away from your home. Citronella candles and incense can be used to repel flying insects, because they don?t like the smoke that is produced. Deet is also a repellent, found in most bug sprays. Deet can be dangerous for small children, so be careful how you use the spray. Removing weeds from around your house will keep the insects from making your home their home. In addition to removing the weeds, you should also make sure that the plants are not around doors and windows. The plants and trees that you love looking at makes a wonderful home for little critters, having the plants near doors and windows then give the bugs access to your home. Insects love to live and breed in places that stay moist, get rid of the standing water around your house to deter the insects. Empty any pots or containers that have collected water. You should also walk the outside of your home to look for moist areas around the foundation or the walls, and make the necessary corrections for the problem. Be sure that you check the downspout and gutters that they are free-flowing and clear of debris. Gutters and downspout should be carrying the water away from the house.

Keeping food away from open doors and windows will keep from attracting the insects by the smell. Clean dishes when the meal is finished, so you don?t have food sitting around. Be sure to clean all counters and appliances that may come in contact with food products. Another way to have an insect free home is to close all the ways that they can enter your home. Have old screens in windows and doors replaced, walk around your house and seal up all the cracks and openings you find. Any place where pipes or wires go into the house or comes out of the house is a great entry way for all kinds of pests. You can seal these openings with either silicone or expanding foam. Check for loose siding, and get that fixed. Spray the siding with water to wash away any insects hiding in there as well as their nests. If it?s loose or open, seal it up and fix it. Boric acid can be used on the outside of your home as well as inside. The insects will take the Boric acid back to their nests and control the infestation of insects.

Having insects that invade your home can be very irritating, but they can also spread illness and disease to your family. This is a problem that can be controlled by taking an afternoon, and walk around your home to make sure it is insect free, and control any infestations that may occur.

Source: http://www.aaa-awnings-inc.com/Blog/?p=5874

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