Sunday, August 21, 2011

Homeowners Insurance and Basement Flooding

Homeowners Insurance ?nd Basement Flooding??

Article b? David Zwierecki

Whether ??? h??? ???r experienced th? unfortunate incidence ?f having ???r basement flood ?r n?t, th?r? ?r? d?f?n?t?l? ??m? facts ?b??t homeowners insurance th?t ??? need t? know ?b??t. M??t homeowners insurance policies d? n?t cover ??? f?r ???r basement flooding. M??t homeowner?s policies d? n?t come w?th ?n? type ?f basement flooding insurance, unless ?t w?? caused fr?m a busted ?r burst water line. Th?r? normally ?? a separate rider th?t ?? available f?r m??t consumers th?t ??? ??n h??? added t? ???r homeowners insurance th?t w?ll cover ??m? basement flooding ?nd th?? normally ranges anywhere fr?m 150-200 extra per year f?r th?? coverage (money well spent ?f ??? ???r h??? th? unfortunate luck t? h??? t? experience a flooded basement). H?w???r, even w?th th?? extra coverage ?t usually ?nl? covers flooding th?t ?? due t? a sewer backup. If ???r flooding ?? th? result ?f cracks ?n ???r foundation, water coming ?n through ???r windows, ?r coming ?n through ???r walls, th?n chances ?r? th?t ?t w?ll n?t b? covered. M??t insurance policies nationwide work th?? way. Th?r? ?? flood insurance th?t ??m? homeowners ?r? required t? obtain ?f th??r home ?? deemed t? b? ?n a flood zone ?? considered b? FEMA. Th?? insurance ?? extremely expensive ?nd usually covers more th?n traditional homeowners insurance ?nd more th?n th? homeowners insurance rider th?t ??? ??n add t? ???r policy f?r flooding.

If ??? ???r h??? t? experience a flooded basement here ?r? ??m? q???k tips f?r insurance purposes. Act quickly, g?t ???r camera ?nd take pictures ?n case ??? need th?m f?r a homeowner?s insurance claim. Take pictures ?f everything th?t ?? d?m?g?d, ?nd th? level ?f th? water. Th?? way ??? w?ll h??? proof ?f everything th?t took ?l???. Y?? ??n even consider videotaping th? d?m?g? ?nd th? flooded basement ?? well t? insure th?t ??? h??? adequate documentation ?n case anything comes ?nt? q???t??n w?th ???r claim. At th?? point contact ???r homeowners insurance agent ?nd t?ll th?m ?b??t wh?t ?? going ?n ?nd wh?t h?? happened. Th?? w?ll b? ?bl? t? direct ??? t? th? appropriate number t? b?g?n ???r claim ?r g?t everything ?t?rt?d themselves.

Q???k Basement Tips:* H??? a working sump pump ?n ???r basement* H??? a battery operated backup, ?n case ?f failure ?r power loss* M?k? sure ???r yard drains away fr?m ???r home* H??? ???r basement walls waterproofed* Add rocks ?nd drain leading away fr?m th? house ?n th? base ?f ?n? window wells ??? h??? around basement windows* Check ???r basement periodically during heavy rains, b?g storms, ?r extended periods ?f rain* Check ???r basement walls ?t l???t once ???r? year t? look over th? structure t? insure everything looks g??d ?nd th?r? ?r? n? cracks ?n th? walls* If possible h??? a sump pump w?th a separate drain outside ?f ???r home* Look ?nt? ???r current homeowner?s insurance policy t? see wh?t ?? covered, wh?t ?? n?t ?nd wh?t ???r options ?r? f?r extra coverage

Remember ?f ???r basement h?? flooded, th?n chances ?r? th?t others ?n ???r area ?r? going through th? same thing. Th? sooner ??? act, th? better, ?nd th? q???k?r th?t ???r claim ??n b? processed ?nd taken care ?f. If ??? d? n?t h??? th? extra rider added ?n t? ???r homeowners insurance policy f?r flooding ?nd ??? h??? a f?n??h?d basement ??? m?? want t? seriously consider th? policy rider. It m?? b? well worth ?t. Contact ???r insurance agent soon t? discuss exactly wh?t ?? covered ?nd wh?t ?? n?t covered ?n terms ?f basement flooding ?nd b? proactive ?n th?? situation ???t ?n case ??? ???r h??? t? g? through th??. Trust m? ?t ?? n?t fun, especially wh?n ??? discover ?t ?? n?t covered.

Ab??t th? Author

Th? author ?f th?? article, Dave Zwierecki, ?? th? President ?f First Security Financial Service ?nd h?? over 10 years ?f experience ?n th? credit, mortgage lending, ?nd home improvement fields. H? ?? th? owner ?f ?nd, wh??h ?r? sites devoted t? th? education ?f consumers regarding real estate, mortgage, credit, ?nd home improvement related material.


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