Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fable III (Video Game) Review | Alzillaz Gaming Reviews

Article by Jenny T. Mendez

I?ve always liked the fable series. Though I had my gripes with F2 it was a great game and i really enjoyed the direction the gameplay and series was going. Fable 3 pretty much took a huge Duece duece all over my fandom. Some good ideas with poor execution and feels like rushed through design over all. The thing that excited me the most about the game was the new weapon growth system, which also turned out to be one of the biggest disappointments, combined with how they did the character growth. When i heard how they were revamping the Expresion system that just sounded like a bad idea, but i was hoping the new combat system would out way the negative aspects of this along with the multiple quirky sidequests and main story quests. Now on to the positive. The Game it self looks great, textures are well rendered, environments, and models are highly detailed. It?s the best LOOKING game of the series. Story wise there are lots of gaps, but the for continuity from the the second Fable, the third is amazing. Some of the new enemy subtypes look great and are real fun to fight. Some people grip about this, but i actually like being a landlord, and repairing things. It is far easier than working.

Now i will begin listing the negatives and positives with this game along with things that could or probably should have been done to improve it:

1) The dog is seriously stupid in this one even with level 5 everything: Fable 2?s level 3 trained dog far proceeds the Fable 3 level 5 dog. He will run in circles for no reason when you get to the area where treasure is located before he does. You can run over an area several times and won?t sense a thing or he will and lead you the wrong direction only to turn around and lead you back to the exact location you were at. Severly limited in tricks, but this is in part because you can?t control at all which interaction you use with people so you may end up seeing the same dog trick over and over again even with the level five Charisma dog. Combat wise he isn?t that different from fable 2 would have liked to see some variety in his attacks with up graded training, like actually attacking STANDING enemies for once at level 3 or 4 combat and biting there hand or weapon so they couldn?t swing or chase after you while you walk behind your opponent to slug them in the back. Or since the chatacter needs a gauntlet now it would seem logical to give your dog a unique collar to allow him to summon minions or cast magic as you do. Like i flaming dog charge, electric dog bite, or seeing him preform a summon dead wolves at high levels. If your going to allow profanity in the game i see no reason why you wouldn?t allow than evil dog to crotch bite standing opponents. Oh and it?s annoying when you want to talk to your dog and he keeps trying to run ahead/away from you while you walk toward him, but while running in the forest he runs in front of you consistently and it automatically goes into an interaction with your dog when you are trying to get to a cave.

2)The way you interact with people and things need to change. It was seriously aggravating trying to run past things only to be forced into interactions with buildings, people, or your dog when you were trying to just run to the store and buy something or go complete a quest. at the very least they should have changed the interaction button in towns with people to something other than the button for dashing.

3) Items: you should be able to carry more than two items at a time for healing. I could understand why they changed this if they added a few quests to increase your in game inventory like a couple extra carrying pouches, or the giant one your dad/mom used in F2 which always seemed to have unlimited inventory, but they didn?t. Instead you only get one kind of health potion through out the game and your choice of favorite food you wish to purchase. That?s it you can?t carry other types of foods along with the one you just purchased and there are no higher level potions which give you experience, larger amounts of health, or fully heal you along with permanately increasing your health meter by 50 points. Just one real generic potion which doesn?t always heal you the way you like mutton does better, but they have a cap on the amount of food you can carry along with the type of you can carry at a time. I understand the logic for them doing this, that being how much stuff could somebody lug around in a pair of pants while running around the world, but at least give folks quests to increase their inventory space. On the topic of inventory it really sucks not being able to go to your menu and see what type of items you are low on our pull out your shovel when ever you feel like digging in area you suspect treasure is located, but your dog is tool low in skill to sniff out. Why should i need my dog to tell me where to dig if i feel like or know where to dig for treasure?

4) Weapon growth system: I was really rooting for this and hoping they didn?t do what i suspected they might and they did. They forced all weapons to be susceptible to this new weapon upgrade system. Which puts a huge gap in the story when they claim the weapons you get from your dad are unique cause they grow as you use them. Also all, even legendary weapons, start out as rediculously weak or ordinary looking/depending on your skill level in the Road to ruin experience system. It doesn?t make sense for store bought weapons to be forced to the same conditions as the supposidly unique growth weapons you gain from you parents. Also not having a list to go through and compare weapon strengths slots, upgrades when shopping sucks, especially when common weapons don?t seem to respawn at all after you bought them. I don?t really want to spend hours killing gaurds and civilians only to get an upgrade 2-20 gold from each kill when i could get 50 gold from each kill in the last game. It would have made more sense to combine the current weapon growth concept with the augmentation slots in the last game. You get to choose which weapon you want whatever kind of upgrade on it and it gets stronger as you use it in combat in the world: for example you equip a charisma augment, the friendlier or better you dress while using that new augmented weapon the more powerful that augment grows overtime, up to the point you don?t need to dress fancy at all if you don?t want too. Or you equip a fire augment, and the more you use the weapon or switch in between using the augmented weapon and the fireball spell in combat the more powerful it grows. That would have seemed logical instead i have to risk the fact some folks won?t respawn, or try hunting down particular enemy types that may rarely respawn even infront of their own homes like the sakers when trying to get the plus 30% damage to large opponents augment (that is an awesome augment to have though). It really does suck seeing folks use turret pistols, rifles, master swords and Axes, and i can only use like a two or three shooter, or a hammer, and generic looking sword, that doesn?t level up unless i go to road to ruin to do it. Also how come Hobbes, Hollow men, Jack of blades, and every other person in the series can DUAL wield SHORT or long swords in the game, but the main hero can?t even equip a shield with his one free hand or a small mace while wielding a sword? At least ya?ll could have introduced more new weapon types like a spear or something. Why does the character basically have to take drugs to slow down time and summon monsters when he could do it freely (not counting exp expenditure)i could understand going on a quest to find a gauntlet to do so, but i have to buy potions for this and ya?ll don?t offer variety with health potions? come on! I do like some of the new enemy sub-types like the more skillful redhobbes, but not being able to fight Giant trolls or random legendary monsters just makes the game very repetative when you only have like about 7 main types of enemies not counting summoned foes since killing the summoner disperses the those summoned. The final battle was far more gratifying the the Joke final battles of the last two bye the way. Now i am ranting.

5)on a side note for those having trouble raising money before the final fight, you don?t have to go to the thrown and make a decree immediately you can run out in the world buy/fix up property and businesses. Then jack up the rent of the millfields most expensive property which will give you over a hundred grand every five minutes easy over time. While your out in the world the timer/number of days till ?dooms day? is in a perpetual state of flux so just do side quests and explore into your in the mood to act royally. If you put like 8 mill in the treasury that is more than enough to keep all your promises, renovate everything positively, and save all the people, with cash to ?borrow? from when your all done. though you may want to do some city deveolpemnt side quests so you can buy more property. Like the town you can only buildup if you rebuild the bridge that use to lead to the gyps camp in fable 2.

6) it really seems dumb to have to spend experience to learn expressions i have no control over choosing or using experience to LEARN how to buy property or business. The later two should only require money to purchase or a sidequest to learn how to manage them properly. As for expression, when i could learn expressions from actually using them consistently, reading book, or due to alignment doesn?t it seem more logical to have to go to a personal ettiquet class for like 30 or forty gold than spending hard earned guild seals for learning how patty cake with someone? If the guild seal is soooo unique how come everybody in the world gives them out when they die get happy or afraid of your? hmmmmm??..somebody didn?t think this one through. I like the spell mixing, but dislike only being able to use only one spell or forced to mix the two. I?d of liked be able to mix the two in a weapon.

7) I am not going to bother ripping on this game anymore. It was a good game could of been awesome. All the glitches i don?t feel like mentioning may ruin it for you as well as the fact that once your king or queen you can?t go back several days later (in game time not our time) and change those decrees. Multiplayer is a major improvement now, but that doesn?t change some of the wackness they changed with the game.

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