Friday, June 8, 2012

Stylish jug texts you when the milk is spoiled

3 hrs.

Technology has come to the rescue for those who detest sniff-testing milk for spoilage. The Milkmaid will do it for you and send you a text message when it?s time to go shopping.

The concept was the winning entry in a contest sponsored by social product development company Quirky?and GE?to improve everyday objects by adding software.

The Milkmaid is a stylish, tapered glass jug that holds up to a quart of milk that sits in a metal base loaded with pH, weight, and temperature sensors that periodically check for freshness and how much is left.?

When the milk is going bad, LED lights change from green to orange?-- rendering moot?the sniff-test. The contraption will also text you when you?re running low or the milk is spoiled.

An app, still under development, can also deliver on-demand stats about the milk. Think you might have left the jug on the counter too long? Check its temperature. Not sure you?ll have enough milk for pancakes in the morning? See how much is left.

How much we?ll have to pay for this luxury remains an open question for at least a few more days. There?s also?the question of who will find this useful enough to keep the battery charged and remember to pour store-bought milk into the container to take advantage of the tech.

You can watch the pitch video below.

--Via TechCrunch and Gizmodo?

John Roach is a contributing writer for To learn more about him, check out his website and follow him on Twitter. For more of our Future of Technology series, watch the featured video below.

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