Thursday, May 26, 2011

Should I Bother Appealing Against Parking Tickets? ?

Owing to many legal issues, the authority to issue a parking ticket had shifted from the police to the local councils now. However, the number of tickets to be issued at motorists has alarmingly gone up thereafter resulting in many seeking an appeal for a parking ticket.

Some people see this as a way of collecting revenue for the local authorities. It appears that they want to collect as much as possible irrespective as to whether the motorist has really broken the law and parked illegally. They are more interested in raising money rather than improving transport services.

So many reasons set up for the recent increase in appeal of parking fines. Lately the pay up price for parking fine has shot up to 120 pounds with certain motorists for fulfilling their parking ticket?s price.

A wise decision would be to appeal against unfair parking tickets issued. Roughly 50% of all motorists win their cases and infact the local council representatives even fail to turn up for such hearings in most of the times.

If however nobody was given parking ticket then there would be chaos and confusion in the high street. Local council would have smaller budgets and hence the council tax would have to double to pay for services.

This being the original theory behind the concept of issuing parking tickets and subsequently collecting fines for each law break, the situation now is totally different. All we have is pressurized traffic wardens looking for a reason to issue the maximum no. of tickets so as to collect more local revenues from the fines.

Thus, for a motorist who is thinking of parking on public road or in a public parking, the first advice would be to look out for any signs or street markings that might be present nearby. If you are unsure about the place, the second suggestion would be not to park there since it is not worth taking the risk of getting a huge parking fine and having to appeal for the same.

Appealing against a parking ticket is a very easy procedure. But still the fact remains that 99% of people pay their traffic fine even if it is totally unfair. All you have to do to have the fine cancelled is write a simple letter, or even an email to the local council.

Hopefully, drafting a short mail or letter should not be too much of a hassle for you especially when it can save 30 ? 120 pounds. Most drivers are unaware of the ease in drafting this letter. You have numerous companies who explain the entire process to you online. There are even sites who offer appeal templates or even draft the letter on your behalf.

If you can provide photographic evidence showing that you didn?t do the crime or maybe that there existed no signboards in order to guide you away from your act of offence, the chance of success grown higher. Moreover, since not even a third of the parking tickets are actually legal, chances of winning an appeal is extremely high.

Going via the technicality way is the next alternative for you which involve focusing on what is given in the ticket. Thus, if you are given a ticket saying that you parked wrongly in Smith Road whereas you were in Smith Street in reality, you can always argue that the contravention never happened winning your appeal in the process.

Again there is yet another new phenomenon called private parking tickets. In this the ticket appears similar to what a traffic warden gives you only the distinction from normal ticket is it will say something like ?Parking Charge Notice pay within 14 days for a reduced rate. Non payment will result in us contacting the D.V.L.A. for your details.?

These tickets are in fact not legally binding at all and you do not have to pay them. Just ignore them and they will stop sending out the threatening letters. Do not even bother to appeal against them.

To make this point clear one such instance is describes for a company called Euro car parks who have never taken any drivers to court who refuse to pay the parking tickets they have issued.

If in case you are taken to court there are several things that they need to prove therein. Firstly, they need to prove you as their registered keeper to show you as a party to their contract (entering their car park means that you have entered a contract with them). Secondly, it has to be proven that you were driving at that time. If all of this is proven, even then what they?ll be entitled to is a mere 2 pounds for an hour?s extra parking.

Remember never to pay these mere parking invoices even if they keep pestering you with threatening letters. Write to them saying that you will take court action for such harassment or just ignore them and they will surely disappear.

For more details, visit the website below for technical advice and assistance.

Get more information from Find out about cancelling all UK Parking Tickets. Find out about appealing Parking Charges from this site.

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