Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Serenity Now: A Season of Serenity at Home (Christmas Series)

Today, I'm introducing a new Christmas series that I'll be running here at Serenity Now throughout the Christmas season. I've got Christmas projects, tips, recipes, activities, and more to share. Everything in the series is designed as a way to inspire you without overwhelming you. I want my focus on the important things this holiday season, so we're keeping things simple. Join me and some completely fabulous guest posters over the course of the next month for this year's series: A Season of Serenity at Home.

When I think of traditional Christmas, I think of spending time with my family, wrapping gifts for loved ones, sending out holiday cards, and singing Christmas carols while I decorate my home and bake goodies.

I try not to think about waiting in line at the post office, stressing out over trying to keep up with other bloggers, keeping family commitments, or the awful Christmas-tree-lights-debacle from last year that had me throw a tantrum in front of my kids that has probably scarred them for life. Words were said and things were thrown.

Yet, those mishaps have a way of becoming reality, don't they? I have, on?occasion, found myself wondering why exactly I stress out over creating the "perfect" holiday. Am I celebrating the true spirit of the season? Is my focus on my family and the One whose birth we honor on December 25th??

Sadly, I spent my fair share of holiday seasons wondering if various projects might be a hit with readers. I worried over not having enough extra money to buy new accessories to keep up with all the creations pouring into the blogosphere. I spent too much time messing around on blog posts and not enough time enjoying the season with my kids and husband.

This series is as much for me as it is for you. I love trying new crafts, recipes, and activities. But I don't love stressing out about spending extra money on expensive supplies, fitting everything on my "perfect holiday list" in, posting about it, and feeling like I just don't measure up.

Won't you join me for a season of Serenity??

Fill your home with love, and joy, and maybe a few cute Christmas crafts that won't break your budget.?I appreciate you understanding why I'm bringing in some guest posters this month. I love sharing creative ideas with you all, and I also love enjoying the holiday season without spending extra time on the laptop. I have a great line-up of posts for you: recipes, tutorials, activities, and more. You won't want to miss it!

I'll be using this post to catalog each post, so be sure to Pin or bookmark this URL to have a little library of Christmas fun!

If you enjoyed this post or found it helpful, I hope you'll click your "Pin It" button to add this post to Pinterest, or a +1 for Google+.

Source: http://www.serenitynowblog.com/2012/11/a-season-of-serenity-at-home-christmas.html

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