Saturday, August 25, 2012

Environmental News and Agricultural News: Top Stories

Chile: Initiative to reforest Patagonia a growing success
by Mariana Valenzuela ???Translate This Article
24 August 2012

On 24 August 2012 reported: In January 2012, the Chilean public came together through the online community ClanEco, which provided technical support and a purchasing system, to create Reforest Patagonia, a campaign that accepts donations through its website. The initiative has led to the reforestation of more than 100,000 trees, about 90,000 of them donated by people and institutions from throughout the world. Last May, the first round of planting occurred. 'The months of September and October are the next window for reforestation and we hope to plant whatever is achieved between now and September,' said Thomas Kimber, deputy director of Reforest Patagonia and a member at ClanEco. Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising positivity in the field of environment, documenting the growth of life-supporting, evolutionary trends.

To read the entire article click here

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