Monday, November 7, 2011

Selena Gomez Granted Extended Restraining Order Against Stalker, LAPD Confirms Threat

While Justin Bieber fights off questions about Mariah Yeater, his unlikely 30-second-stand/baby mama, the singer's actual girlfriend was in court this week, dealing with a far more serious problem.

Selena Gomez Pose

Gomez had her restraining order extended today against Thomas Brodnicki, the nut job in custody on federal stalking charges for making repeated threats against the singer.

As part of this morning's hearing, Detective Jose Viramontes swore in a declaration that he interviewed Brodnicki, and the man "reiterated that he had many conversations with God about killing Ms. Gomez." In conclusion, Viramontes stated before a judge that the stalker poses a "credible, serious threat" to Gomez.

Brodnicki pled not guilty to felony criminal stalking yesterday. We'll keep fans apprised of this scary story as more news breaks. Stay safe, Selena.



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