Saturday, March 16, 2013

Dating Obsession: Is that possible? : Relationship Forum - Psych ...

Okay here is my background: I am a male and 27 years old and still live at home with my single mother. For the last year I have been a serial dater in recent months and what I mean by that is I go on many first dates and never get anything farther than that but have no reason behind it why I do this...
I tend to stir away from relationships although I know i want one.
My mind gives me reasons as to why a girl isn't good for me although I know she probably is good for me. I always contradict myself and my ego always wins and either she stops responding which gets me depressed or I just stop responding because I would rather talk to somebody else.

My friend always pokes fun because I tend to go on many dates and I don't know why I do the thing I do? I give the reason that I am getting older now and all my friends are in relationships while some are getting married. And I feel I should be at that point as well to be dating and hopefully getting married. I believe the rush that I have in my head wanting all that is making me fail with relationships. I tend to do online dating most of the time because I work too much and do not go out much minus my days off but I am always with my friends.

Recently in the summer my mom was going through some financial issues which got me very stressed and I used dating as a way to avoid the issues at home, it worked but I did it for the wrong reasons.

Do you think I have some kind of psychological issue that is going on that i do not know about? I took a couple depression tests online (just the basic tests for fun) and it said I had mild depression but nothing too serious. I do not have a very good relationship with my mom and tend to keep to myself even when my mother is home.

Is there any books i could potentially read on how to prevent this issue I am having or should I see a psychologist? Because I think this delima is ruining my life and I am afraid that I may be alone my whole life since I am obsessing about having a relationship?

This is my first post and I know that would make me a n00b but I quickly made an account in hopes I could have a sense of what I am dealing with or if anybody else out there has the same issue and how they overcome it?

Any information would be valuable to me and thank you in advanced.



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