Monday, May 21, 2012

Classic Treat Free Article Directory ? Define Dependent Variable

A variable is the most important concept of mathematics which are popularly used for solving the various kinds of problems in mathematics. In mathematics, variable can be considered as a value that contains the property of changing during the process of problem solving. It means to say that variable is a value that may changeable with in a set of operations that are performed during the problem solving. The concept of variable plays a role of fundamental tool the area of mathematics and in various application of mathematics. On the basis of functionality the term variables can be further categorized into two categories that are given below:

a) Independent variable: In mathematics, independent variables are those variables that are regarded as input to a system. It means to say that it is a kind of variable that do not dependent on the values of other variables.

b) Dependent variables: dependent variables are those variables that contain the value which are changeable in the system and whose value depends on the value of another variable.

Here we are going to discussing about the dependent variables. In mathematics, we can?Define Dependent Variable as a type of variable whose value depends on the value of independent variables; here there is no limit on the number of independent variable. According to the mathematical definition of dependent variable we can simply define the dependent variable as a type of variable which is being measured in an experiment. It means to say that when we make any changes the during the execution of an experiment then the value of the dependent variables may also get change because making a changes in the independent variable, it automatically influence the value of the dependent variable.

Suppose there is scientist working a lab of light project. He makes the experiment on checking how stress affects heart rate in any person body. In this experiment the independent variable can be consider as the stress and on the other hand the heart rate of the human body can be consider as dependent variable. Here we can perform the direct manipulation on the stress of human?s heart to measure changes in heart rate which are changeable the scientist makes the changes in the ?those stress levels.

In the below we show you some of the examples that helps you to understand the fundamental concept of dependent variable. ?Generally, In mathematics a dependent variable is a variable which can be expressed in an?algebraic expression or?equations, or function?which contains there values on the basis of type of variable.

Example a: suppose there is an algebraic equation is given below, we need to find out the dependent and independent variables from equation?

y = a2 ? 3a + 4

Solution: In the above given algebraic equation we can see that there are two types of variables are working which named as dependent and independent variables:

In the above equation the dependent variable is y and independent variable can be specified as value of ?a? because we can see that the ?y? is a variable whose value depends on the value of whole operation of ?a?.

If we suppose a value of a = 1 then the value of y gets 2. if we change the value of ?a? then value of y also gets change.

In order to get help on how to solve literal equations for a variable visit Log on to and get all information on sample papers for maharashtra board.

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