Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Insurance should give me a gun ? Don Surber

Providing free birth control is fine for 30-year-old law students, but what about us 58-year-old monogamists? Free birth control does nothing for my wife?s health or mine. And remember, it is all about me. And Sandra Fluke?s call too have health insurance cover transgender surgery does nothing for me either. Robert Stacy McCain has the story.

What I could use is a gun.

Nothing too expensive or flashy. A 38 would do. Same deal as The Pill. No co-payment or deductibles. Each month, I get a 30-day supply of ammo just like Miss Fluke will get with her pills. Naw, just teasing on the ammo. I?ll supply that.

Gun rights are on the upswing. Law professor Eugene Volokh commented on a case in Maryland where the Supreme Court struckas unnecessarioly burdensome requirements in the concealed weapons law. Noted Professor Volokh:

I think this result is correct ? as I read Heller, it recognize a right to keep and bear arms for purpose of self-defense, and self-defense is needed wherever a person happens to be, not just in the home. (See pp. 1516-1524 of my Implementing the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Self-Defense article.) Heller does approve of some historically recognized limitations on the right, such as bans on concealed carry or bans on carrying into particular ?sensitive places.? But I think the logic and language of Heller suggests that the right does extend to other sorts of carrying outside the home. And while I think that talk of ?intermediate scrutiny? isn?t very helpful here, the district court?s analysis in applying intermediate scrutiny seems to me to be quite right.

That the legal schmeagal part.

Here?s where the health part comes in: A fellow pulls a knife on you, you pull a gun on him. He decides you are not worth attacking. I have just avoided a $10,000 trip to the emergency room and surgery. You are welcome, Blue Cross.

From the Northwestern University School of Law, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, vol. 86, issue 1, 1995, on Dangerous Gun Use (DGU, which means armed ?victims? who decide not to become victims):

Since as many as 400,000 people a year use guns in situations where the defenders claim that they ?almost certainly? saved a life by doing so, this result cannot be dismissed as trivial. If even one-tenth of these people are accurate in their stated perceptions, the number of lives saved by victim use of guns would still exceed the total number of lives taken with guns. It is not possible to know how many lives are actually saved this way, for the simple reason that no one can be certain how crime incidents would have turned out had the participants acted differently than they actually did. But surely this is too serious a matter to simply assume that practically everyone who says he believes he saved a life by using a gun was wrong. This is also too serious a matter to base conclusions on silly statistics comparing the number of lives taken with guns with the number of criminals killed by victims. Killing a criminal is not a benefit to the victim, but rather a nightmare to be suffered for years afterward. Saving a life through DGU would be a benefit, but this almost never involves killing the criminal; probably fewer than 3,000 criminals are lawfully killed by gun-wielding victims each year, representing only about 1/1000 of the number of DGUs, and less than 1% of the number of purportedly life-saving DGUs. Therefore, the number of justifiable homicides cannot serve as even a rough index of life-saving gun uses. Since this comparison does not involve any measured benefit, it can shed no light on the benefits and costs of keeping guns in the home for protection.

So there you have it. Stick the birth control pills. Missus Surber does not need them. What she could use is a nice pink handgun. $300 max. Blue Cross only has to provide one and she is set for life ? a much longer life.

Happiness isn?t a warm gun. Survival is.


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