Monday, January 30, 2012

What Caring Can Do for Your Business

What can caring do for your business? We?re sure everyone who has ever patronized a business where folks don?t care knows the answer to this question. But just in case you need some more help on the subject, here are some thoughts on how you can take things to the next level.

In the Trenches

What simple caring can do for your business. If you want to know what truly makes a difference with your business, the answer may just be caring. Think caring about the product you create and the service you offer doesn?t matter? Think again. Seth Godin?s Blog

Basic lessons in starting up. Follow one entrepreneur?s journey as he attempts to open a retail business in one of the toughest economies in the U.S. It doesn?t matter what kind of business you?re trying to start, you will find this story entertaining. Failure Club

Spreading the Word

Creating your own business media platform. Chris Brogan has created a brand new Website to help entrepreneurs to create a brand new media platform, no matter what business you happen to be running. Here?s a much more detailed look! Shhh! The Secret Show

Lessons from Hollywood. The thing that small business can learn from Hollywood?s recent obsession with piracy is simple?focus on facilitating sales, not loss prevention. Nobody is suggesting that theft is justified, but getting your product to customers is ultimately most important. Chris Brogan

Local Biz Renaissance?

Bypassing the big guy. Two kinds of small businesses are joining forces to supply food from farm to table without a layover at your local big supermarket chain. Small tech startups have focused on helping small food producers (farmers) bring what they raise and grow directly to the consumer. WSJ

Wealthy investors are targeting small businesses. Would America?s wealthiest investors rather put money in a locally owned bakery or restaurant than in a high-tech startup? Some recent indications say they might. What could big investment dollars mean to small local businesses like the one you own? Bloomberg Businessweek

Social Intelligence

Why your business needs video to thrive. As has been alluded to in earlier links, developing media platforms (including video) for your small business can be very important, particularly because it?s easier and cheaper than ever to get your message out. Youngentrepreneur

Always support your fans. Whether they are fans of your destination (as in this post) or fans of your product or service, understanding the importance of these people in spreading the word about your business can be critical. Make sure you help them in every way as they help you. Small Biz Survival

Standing Alone

Where differentiation really counts. It?s not enough for your product or service to be different. The real question is whether your product or service is different in a way customers care about. Remember, when it comes to setting yourself apart, the customer is what counts. Instigator Blog

Enchanting financial forecasts done right. This is a post looking at something you might not ordinarily equate with being magical or inspiring. Yet financial projections need attention and care that will raise them above the humdrum. How to Change the World


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